Monday, August 20, 2007

Our future home...

I really enjoy living here in Columbus. I’m not a huge fan of hanging out in the crate all day. But since I chew everything in sight, including pillows, wood trim and seat cushions, I understand the situation.

Summer has been great. Comfest was especially awesome. Who knew that Columbus Pale Ale was superior to tap water? Well it is!

The next two weeks are going to be insane. To further cement their plot in hell, Michele and Billy just bought a house and they are closing on August 31. That’s right, they are living in sin and now they are homeowners. But who am I to judge? I lick my own pee pee.

So, they will be loading the moving van on the 30th, signing their lives away on the 31st and moving their crap in later that day. To make things even more interesting, their Southwestern Expedition sets off on September 1: LA, Vegas, Grand Canyon, Sedona, Phoenix and Joshua Tree. Thankfully, they aren't boarding me. Kaidey and Shirley are gonna watch me. Their house is pretty awesome - lotsa squirrels to destroy. Rabbits, too!

I’ll keep you posted!
- Trev

Welcome to my blog

All I want to do is destroy squirrels.